
Moving to Italy in 2024: guide on the requirements

How to immigrate to Italy? With its rich cultural heritage, picturesque landscapes, and vibrant lifestyle, Italy is an attractive destination for many considering relocation. Moving to Italy involves navigating various legal and logistical requirements. This guide provides detailed information on what you need to know and do to make your transition as smooth as possible.

If you’re planning a short-term stay in Italy for tourism, business, or family visits and you’re a non-EU/EEA national, you will need a Schengen visa. This visa permits you to stay in Italy, as well as other Schengen area countries, for up to 90 days within a 180-day period. However, EU/EEA nationals do not need a visa for short-term stays. For those intending to stay longer than 90 days, non-EU/EEA nationals must apply for a national visa (D visa). This visa is required for purposes such as work, study, or family reunification and must be obtained before entering Italy.

How to Immigrate to Italy

Italy, with its rich cultural heritage and scenic landscapes, is a popular destination for immigrants. To successfully immigrate to Italy, non-EU/EEA nationals need to navigate several steps:

  1. Short-Term Stay Visa: If your stay is for less than 90 days for tourism, business, or family visits, a Schengen visa is necessary. This visa allows you to stay in Italy and other Schengen area countries for up to 90 days within a 180-day period.
  2. Long-Term Stay Visa: For stays longer than 90 days, non-EU/EEA nationals must apply for a national visa (D visa). This visa is essential for purposes such as work, study, or family reunification and must be obtained before entering Italy.

By following these steps and meeting the visa requirements, you can smoothly transition to living in Italy and enjoy all the benefits it has to offer. By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth and enriching transition; for more information about this, chek this article about immigrating in Italy by Investment .

Residence Permit

Upon arriving in Italy with a long-term visa, you are required to apply for a residence permit, known as the Permesso di Soggiorno, within eight days. This process begins at the local post office, where you submit your application and receive a receipt, which you must present at the Questura (police headquarters) to complete the process. EU/EEA nationals planning to stay in Italy for more than 90 days must register with the local Anagrafe (registry office) in their municipality of residence.


Securing accommodation is a crucial step in your move to Italy. Rental contracts in Italy generally require a deposit, typically equivalent to two or three months’ rent, and references from previous landlords or employers. These contracts often span four years, with an option to renew. Ensuring that all utility accounts, such as electricity, gas, and water, are transferred to your name is important to avoid any future complications.

When considering how to immigrate to Italy, understanding the housing market and rental processes will significantly ease your transition and help establish a stable foundation in your new home.


For non-EU/EEA nationals, obtaining a work visa is essential for employment in Italy. This process involves your employer obtaining a work permit from the Italian immigration office. Additionally, if your profession requires specific qualifications, you may need to have your foreign qualifications recognized by the relevant Italian authorities.


Italy’s National Health Service (SSN) provides access to public healthcare services. Upon moving, you should register with the SSN to benefit from these services. EU nationals can use their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) initially, but registration with the SSN is required for long-term stays. It’s also advisable to have private health insurance to cover additional services not included in the SSN.


Proficiency in Italian is vital for daily life and integration into Italian society. While English is spoken in some areas, especially in larger cities and tourist spots, knowing Italian will significantly enhance your experience and opportunities. Consider enrolling in language courses to improve your proficiency.

Cost of Living

The cost of living in Italy varies significantly between regions. Major cities like Rome and Milan tend to be more expensive compared to smaller towns. Researching and budgeting for your chosen city is crucial. Opening a local bank account is necessary for managing your finances, paying bills, and receiving your salary.


For families moving to Italy, understanding the education system is important. Public schools are free and offer good quality education. However, you may also consider private or international schools, especially if you prefer an education system different from the Italian one. For higher education, non-EU students must apply for a student visa and provide proof of acceptance from an Italian institution.


Italy boasts an efficient public transportation system, especially in cities. Consider purchasing a monthly pass for convenience and cost savings. If you plan to drive, EU licenses are valid in Italy. Non-EU nationals may need to convert their license to an Italian one or obtain a new Italian driving license.

Cultural Adaptation

Familiarizing yourself with Italian customs and etiquette is essential for a smooth cultural transition. Understanding and respecting local traditions, behaviors, and social norms will help you integrate more easily. Engaging in community activities and local events is a great way to meet people and feel more at home in your new environment.


Immigrating to Italy involves meticulous planning and a thorough understanding of various legal, cultural, and practical aspects. Ensure that you meet all visa and residency requirements, secure appropriate housing and employment, and prepare for the cultural shift. By taking these steps, you can enjoy a smooth and enriching transition to your new life in Italy.

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